Cloudflare cannot resolve the A/AAAA or CNAME DNS record requested. Even if Cloudflare is resolving correctly, the record cannot be found or is a CNAME record to an external domain that cannot be resolved.
The Error Message the browser will see will show a 1016 error, but the actual HTTP response code is 530.
The most common causes are:
- Your Cloudflare DNS configuration does not have an A/AAAA DNS record that matches the origin IP address.
- You have a CNAME DNS record pointing to an external domain that cannot be resolved.
- You’re using Cloudflare
Load Balancer
and the origin host names (CNAMEs) in your default/region and fallback pools cannot be resolved via DNS.
participant User
participant Cloudflare
participant Website
Note right of Website: Behind Cloudflare
User ->> Cloudflare: Initial request
Cloudflare -->> Website: Can't resolve the website
Cloudflare -->> User: Returns 530 error